

What is fashion for you? – Clothes, shoes, cosmetics, books, magazines or maybe something else? This topic is absolutely mine and I can discuss it for hours.
The most widespread opinion about fashion sounds that way : “Fashion is a form of cheating, the method of swindling out of all your money. Today we have to wear short trousers, tomorrow we rush to buy long ones and this mess will never stop, because every season designers dictate us new trends.”

I hope you’ve read Eric Berne’s book "Games People Play" – the so-called "must-read" about the rules of survival in the modern world. What I want to say is that for me fashion is another kind of a game people play. This game is one of the most beautiful, pleasing and has its own rituals. People love playing this game.

Long time ago there were designers who created something extraordinary; they “painted a graphic vivid picture” - like, for example, young Ev Saint Laurent. After that the industry’s mechanism was created, the industry became autonomous, with its own rules. This a cruel machinery and a really big business. When the business was build in such a cruel, clear and efficient way, society had nothing but to subordinate.

We can hardly distinguish between fashion and style. Let’s make it clear.

 Fashion is about things you love in yourself and want to present to the society. Clothes, cosmetics and even colour of your skin are your tools in showing yourself to the World. You can’t just “copy” it and “paste” in your style. The discrepancy will be too evident.

Style is person’s ability to project the image of his/her individuality on the “World’s screen”. Your style of behaviour shows who you truly are. Clothes will reflect your mood, taste, the level of education, etc. Highly cultured person in most cases is also a well-dressed person.

I will write more posts about fashion industry and its history. There is one thing you have to know about this business: “ In high-fashion there is not enough just to do a good job”.

Photo credit as usual : http://www.annaromaria.com/  

Be creative, look around and #getinspieredbyantonina


Education is the key to everything

Education is a very wide topic, I can discuss it for hours, because my life in 50% consists of education. Not everyone understands that education is not only school and universities. Today I’ll try to explain you shortly in simple idioms why education is the most important part of my life. As usual I hope I will inspire you to do something new and important for you and I’m waiting for your comments explaining your position. 

From the moment I was 12 and first time in my life bought a pair of designer’s jeans, I became absolutely addicted to fashion(in some time I will write about my love to fashion). I thought that I can fulfil myself in this scope of business. I made lots of things connecyed with fashion and I’ve learnt a lot about it. As for me Education consists of elements which I explain below:

First of all education is normally schools and universities. Reading is a base. Every time you read something it is useful for you, you just never know when you will use it. Read just things that are interesting for you.There is no sense in reading book just because it is a bestseller, but its idea doesn’t correspond to you. 

School is boring and 60% people I’ve ever talked to told me that it’s unnecessary, but I’m absolutely sure that it’s one of the most important periods in our life. We are trying ourselves in different sciences and choose some of our priority . So if you are a pupil and you are reading it - believe me : School is very important

Choosing a hobby is not the last thing in self-education. When you read magazines, articles in internet or talk to people who are ready to share their experience or knowledge with you, you are self-educating. In my life people play the main role, because I’m very open to views of other peoples on different topics. People, who surround you can,  inspire you by their own experience or just by their charm. I can fall in love with every man or woman that is interesting for me I’ll take all his/her knowledge about the topics I’m interested in.  

Travelling is education as well. You explore new culture and new people . Visit to a museum or a park in a new country will always be a good component of your "educational meal". All these parts of self-education is creating you experience, which will form you as a harmonious personality. So experience is determinant of your life.  

When I decided to study in Poland I’ve changed my attitude to education completely, choosing University of Economics in Katowice was my determinant. This University has changed my life completely: from the fact that I moved to European Union to the changes in my perception of the World.
The innovative teaching methods forced me to like Economy as a subject. Before studying in Poland it was only my hobby - I just read articles or watched TV programmes. And now I understand the nature of economic processes. I was inspired so much that started to write research works and consulted with the best scientists. As a result  the University gave me a possibility to manage the quality of education in my Alma Mater - I work here as  International Accreditation Specialist. And now I understood that Education is my passion. 

Inspiration of the day : education 

Advice of the day : realize how much do you do every day for your personal development. Maybe you have to do more? 

I would like to know your opinion.

Be creative, look around and #getinspiredbyantonina


Stretching is obligatory point of effective weight losing.

Flexibility is one of the properties characterizing a healthy body. With age tends to decline significantly. It is quite natural that stretching is an integral part of physical training.

Practising stretching muscles and ligaments gain elasticity, they become dense and strong. Effective stretching is achieved through a complex of simple exercises. The effect of which depends on the regularity of the execution.

Practice shows that regular exercise stretching reduces back pain . “Yoga” in Sanskrit means “Union”. Yoga is both the experience and the training system is reunification embodied in the body of the individual self (Jiva) with the universal Me (Brahman). This is the main objective and aspiration of human life.

Everyone can achieve this goal, following a spiritual lifestyle, which is characterized by moral restraint, ethical discipline and a healthy lifestyle. The implementation of such a system of life will help any person to maintain his/her physical strength in a balanced state and to develop his/her mental and spiritual abilities. With the development of control over body, senses and consciousness, and the development of hidden possibilities of the mind and body to the changes that occur in the lives of yoga practitioners, lead to psychological harmony, mental balance and positive attitude. Yoga is a science that provides methods to achieve such a state. Done properly the yogic practices help to keep your body in proper form, balance and improve your mental skills. All this aspects contribute to spiritual progress.

I don’t want to promote mental yoga advantage because each of us has its own vision, so here I’m giving you a list of proved by my own experience physical advantages of yoga practice:

1. The body by yoga practice acquires to proportional size of body and there is a natural harmony and functional balance between better health and well-being.
2.  All parts of the body included in the practice with minimal effort, without tension, fatigue, excessive heat and perspiration.
3. Yoga exercises are particularly effective in strengthening the muscles.
4. Improves the heart and entire cardiovascular system in General.
5. You can achieve conscious control over most of the autonomous functions of the body that it is impossible to do with other physical exercises.
6. Harmonious development of the whole body is achieved through the practice of asanas.
7. Weight loss takes place through the implementation practice of postures. Asanas help to regulate weight.
8. Blood pressure returned to normal, and more blood flows to more tissues.
9. Eye colour becomes more vivid, the voice becomes deep, improves complexion. The waist becomes slender. Normalization of sleep.
10. Excretion of undigested food residue will be more regular, and accumulated in the body toxins will be excreted easily without additional medication.
11. Significantly increased ability to tolerate heat and cold, to overcome pain and stress
12. Yoga teaches the art of relaxation. Fatigue, both muscular and mental, is eliminated. There is a relaxation and increases the adaptability.
13. All tension: physical, mental, emotional gradually eliminated, the body, mind and emotions are functioning harmoniously until the old age. 

Photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/annavmaria/albums/72157651450821221/page1 

Be creative, look around and #getinspiredbyantonina