
Stretching is obligatory point of effective weight losing.

Flexibility is one of the properties characterizing a healthy body. With age tends to decline significantly. It is quite natural that stretching is an integral part of physical training.

Practising stretching muscles and ligaments gain elasticity, they become dense and strong. Effective stretching is achieved through a complex of simple exercises. The effect of which depends on the regularity of the execution.

Practice shows that regular exercise stretching reduces back pain . “Yoga” in Sanskrit means “Union”. Yoga is both the experience and the training system is reunification embodied in the body of the individual self (Jiva) with the universal Me (Brahman). This is the main objective and aspiration of human life.

Everyone can achieve this goal, following a spiritual lifestyle, which is characterized by moral restraint, ethical discipline and a healthy lifestyle. The implementation of such a system of life will help any person to maintain his/her physical strength in a balanced state and to develop his/her mental and spiritual abilities. With the development of control over body, senses and consciousness, and the development of hidden possibilities of the mind and body to the changes that occur in the lives of yoga practitioners, lead to psychological harmony, mental balance and positive attitude. Yoga is a science that provides methods to achieve such a state. Done properly the yogic practices help to keep your body in proper form, balance and improve your mental skills. All this aspects contribute to spiritual progress.

I don’t want to promote mental yoga advantage because each of us has its own vision, so here I’m giving you a list of proved by my own experience physical advantages of yoga practice:

1. The body by yoga practice acquires to proportional size of body and there is a natural harmony and functional balance between better health and well-being.
2.  All parts of the body included in the practice with minimal effort, without tension, fatigue, excessive heat and perspiration.
3. Yoga exercises are particularly effective in strengthening the muscles.
4. Improves the heart and entire cardiovascular system in General.
5. You can achieve conscious control over most of the autonomous functions of the body that it is impossible to do with other physical exercises.
6. Harmonious development of the whole body is achieved through the practice of asanas.
7. Weight loss takes place through the implementation practice of postures. Asanas help to regulate weight.
8. Blood pressure returned to normal, and more blood flows to more tissues.
9. Eye colour becomes more vivid, the voice becomes deep, improves complexion. The waist becomes slender. Normalization of sleep.
10. Excretion of undigested food residue will be more regular, and accumulated in the body toxins will be excreted easily without additional medication.
11. Significantly increased ability to tolerate heat and cold, to overcome pain and stress
12. Yoga teaches the art of relaxation. Fatigue, both muscular and mental, is eliminated. There is a relaxation and increases the adaptability.
13. All tension: physical, mental, emotional gradually eliminated, the body, mind and emotions are functioning harmoniously until the old age. 

Photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/annavmaria/albums/72157651450821221/page1 

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  1. i love it) start yoga practices today!!

    1. I'm so glad to read it, dear)) have a great day!)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Stretching exercises add time to a workout but need to be included. One of the great challenges for a majority of those who do not regularly workout is the time commitment. Go to this web-site
